Two Countries, One Purpose
Relationships are everything. And it’s not just those in the U.S. reaching out to other countries; it’s the entire Global Church engaging with and learning from each other. As an organization, we seek to foster and steward those vital relationships. Recently, the director of our Uganda children’s program, Bonny Lugayizi, along with program staff member Philip, visited our Kenya children’s program headed by Jane Wathagana to learn, encourage, and dream together. They left their time feeling empowered, equipped and inspired.
Jane (left) with Bonny (center) and Philip (right) looking at land that will be used to build homes for families in our Kenya program.

From Uganda to Kenya

Bonny and Philip traveled to our Kenya program to see it and learn since it has served children for over 16 years. Specifically, they wanted to learn how to open and operate a community center like Kenya’s. They want to create a centralized location for their program serving hundreds of children in the slums of Kampala.

Jane showed Bonny and Philip the Mama Beth’s Children’s center, which includes a kitchen, preschool, offices, and sewing program all on-site, as well as space for special events like VBS and bible studies. They learned about the feeding program serving hundreds of children at three local schools and toured the project site where homes are being built for families in most need.

Giving Back

Jane was excited to have Bonny visit since he has experience running a financial literacy and savings program with women in Uganda. She wanted to learn how to provide this for the women in Kenya. While in Kenya, Bonny and Philip met with women in the community, helping equip them with skills in financial management, entrepreneurship, banking and loans.

Afterward, Bonny shared, “It was an honor listening to their touching stories and getting to hear their aspirations. Many of the ladies are single mothers who depend on petty income from washing clothes and helping out on people’s farms, many times they lack what they need to feed their children, and it’s upon this that they desire to start up a savings group through which they can borrow money and start their own businesses. We shared success stories of the women in Uganda who started this up and now own businesses; some have their own houses.”

Seeing Fruit

This trip had a tremendous impact on both programs in Uganda and Kenya, inspiring and equipping the leaders with the tools they needed to take the next steps in their community development plans. Jane has started a women’s savings group in Kijabe, Kenya, and Bonny has purchased four acres of land to build a community center. Bonny shared, “By building a community center, we’d have a safe, consistent place to offer holistic care to these children, including meals, health checkups and medical care, spiritual discipleship, gardens for training and food, a transitional home for helping street kids get reunited with families, and an office space for our program staff.”

Please join us in praying for wisdom over the planning of this new community center in Uganda. Go here to contribute or learn more about this project.

Together is Beautiful

Bonny and Jane walked away with a great appreciation for one another. They taught each other how to enhance their holistic community development programs. Jane remarked, “This visit was of paramount importance to both organizations.”

In the work we do, relationships are everything. Engaging with and learning from each other, encouraging and dreaming together…that’s how we build holistically as the Global Body of Christ.


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child sponsorship

Nubia’s Story: The Power of Love

Love has a way of radically transforming lives. At Forward Edge, we place our focus on helping children trapped in poverty reach their full, God-given potential (Ephesians 2:10) by meeting their basic needs (food, safe water, health care) and empowering them with quality education, vocational training, and spiritual discipleship. This

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fundraising letter

Fundraising Support Letter

Letters are vital to raising support for your mission trip. If you have to choose between letters and events, choose letters. Here’s why: They work. People love to see others serve, and they will respond. Even if they might not go themselves, they can be a part of your experience.

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child sponsorship

This is What Success Looks Like

A special message from our Program Directors in Mexico, Victor and Lety Velasco: Hola and Feliz Navidad from Forward Edge and our program down here in Oaxaca, Mexico. We want to tell you a story of the impact you’re making. One of the first families to join our program 10

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Gyebaleki (hello), my name is Giovanna James

  • location


  • 13 yrs. old


Entered the program: June 2023

Giovanna lives with her stepmother, 2 siblings, and an uncle in a four-bedroomed house with two toilets and a bathroom. The family uses both charcoal and firewood to prepare meals and boil water for drinking. Water is fetched from a water tap in the home’s compound. The family has a few birds that they are raising.

Giovanna’s father lost his job in Uganda and it has been hard for him to provide for the family. He has relocated to Sudan for work and is currently doing different jobs to support them.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.