


Bringing hope and love to vulnerable children and their families living in extreme poverty in the slums of Uganda.

Why Kampala

Kampala is home to 3.5 million people, with 57 slums where the most vulnerable live. In these slums, half of the population is made up of children under the age of 15. Life here is marked by extreme poverty, poor sanitation, and daily exposure to crime.

For many families, survival means scavenging through trash for something to sell in hopes of buying food. Drug use and prostitution are common, and law enforcement is scarce. The impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic has left many children with only one parent—or none at all. With no access to school, these children are often left alone, facing high risks of abuse, assault, and exploitation.

Our Program

Light a Candle Uganda

Our program serves over 600 children in some of the most difficult areas of Kampala. Meals are prepared and served directly in the communities and schools we support. Children also receive education, mentoring, and discipleship, while women benefit from our micro-financing program, which helps them establish their own small businesses to support their families.

Light a Candle Uganda has acquired land for an agricultural initiative and for the construction of a centralized community center, aimed at better serving the children and families. The future looks promising as our program continues to grow, expand, and bring glory to God!

Christ centered

Declaring and demonstrating the Good News of Jesus Christ has always been – and will always be – at the heart of everything we do. Our program leaders integrate discipleship into every aspect of their program.

child focused

Children are the seeds of the future. When we invest in them, they have the capacity to be agents of change in their communities for generations to come. Our program focuses on the individual needs of each child and reaches out from there to their families and communities.


Our program is holistic, caring for the whole child – their mind, body and spirit. We provide regular meals to children, food baskets for families, school tuition and supplies, safe drinking water, medical care, discipleship, and a caring community.

locally led

Bonny and Julian, natives to Uganda, are local Christian leaders with a heart for the next generation. We work closely with them to ensure high levels of trust and stewardship in the program. 

Bonny and Julian Lugayizi

Directors of Light a Candle Uganda

Bonny was born and raised in Kampala. He graduated from Makerere University with a bachelor's degree in International Business. His wife, Julian, is a statistician who resigned from her government job to dedicate her life to supporting and nurturing vulnerable children.

Bonny’s passion in life is to ensure that every child is given the right to be a child. As a result, he has been key in advocating for children's rights in Uganda and educating parents and communities about the need to keep children in school.

Through Light A Candle Uganda, Bonny has established a strong team that is creating a better world for the young boys and girls of the Kampala community. He believes that everyone has a role to play, and if we all played our parts, the world would be a better place.

What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? 
I came to know about Forward Edge through my great friend Gabe Winslow with whom we have for long shared about having a world where both the poor and rich live in harmony. Forward Edge gives me the opportunity to be a part of God’s story and to have a deeper understanding of my purpose in life which is to put smiles on the faces of vulnerable children. 

If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? 
Ray Barnett: Founder and CEO of the African Childrens Choir. Barnett left his comfortable home and came down to Uganda during the times of war. He worked hard to protect and bring hope to the marginalized. Today the African Childrens Choir has changed many lives through spreading the Gospel in music and dance and continues to bless and nurture leaders. It is because of Ray’s servanthood spirit that I would love to dine with him. 

What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? 
I train and conduct children’s choirs. 

Give Monthly or One-Time

Help Uganda

Monthly giving enables our program to have sustained impact in the lives of children and their community, but every gift of generosity makes a difference.

How Every Dollar Makes a Difference in Uganda

$25 can provide a nutritious meal and the gospel to eight children.

$50 can provide sanitary napkins for 40 girls which are essential for them to stay in school.
$75 can provide safe drinking water to a family in our program.
$100 can provide one month of weekly meals for 87 children in the Katanga slum.
$230 can provide monthly assistance for a Specially Made children’s home.

21 years old (11-04-2002)


21 years old (08-16-2003)


11 years old (03-03-2013)


19 years old (09-12-2005)


12 years old (11-15-2011)


8 years old (08-10-2016)

Sponsor a Child

As a child sponsor, you’re providing things like nutritious meals, safe drinking water, education, health care, and spiritual instruction. Beyond meeting their critical needs, you’re also building a priceless personal relationship with your child, helping them discover their true worth and God-given potential.

Visit Uganda

Teams of 10 or more are invited to go on a 7-night mission trip to our program in Kampala, Uganda. You will be the hands and feet of Jesus as you serve children and their families, build relationships, and grow in faith.

Church & School Partnerships​​

Partnering your church or school with our program in Uganda creates a meaningful, long-term, and holistic impact for all parties involved.

Contact Us to Get Started