Mary’s Story

In the extremely poor village of Kijabe, Kenya, there lives a crippled widow named Mary. After her husband died of AIDS a few years ago, she struggled to find food.

While she suffers from HIV, too, Mary’s greatest challenge is a nerve problem in her legs. She has to use crutches to walk and can’t move very far. Most of the day, the pain keeps her seated, so she spends hours reading her Bible while her children are at school.

Mary’s two young children, Robert and Elizabeth, were getting a meal every day through Forward Edge’s feeding program at the local primary school. Every once in a while, there were enough leftovers to bring some home for Mary. 

Most days, though, Mary went hungry. She had become stick thin and constantly worried where she’d find her next meal.

Then came the pandemic. Quarantine measures forced our program to pivot from its normal food service at schools to delivering food packages to homes. That’s how we discovered Mary. God used the pandemic to bring us to her.

Immediately, our staff made sure Mary had consistent, nutritious meals. In time, they were even able to build the family a new home and buy Mary a new stove.

Today, months later, Mary’s anxiety is gone. She’s much healthier, has regained lost weight, and is happy again. She even has the strength to go sit outside her home and bask in the sun.

God reached out to Mary with His tangible love not just in spite of this horrible pandemic, but through it. A sweet reminder that no matter what hardships you face, God will work through them.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
-Romans 8:28

child sponsorship

Why Didn’t I Cry?

By Melanie Kruse Off On a Mission Trip  I’ve never been on a mission trip like this. This was the first time we served with Forward Edge and the first time our two daughters had joined us, but that’s not what made it different. On this trip I didn’t cry.  

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Bible Story

Whose Bible?

Last-Minute Packing and a Divine Nudge There are two kinds of people: those who pack a month before their trip and those who pack the night before. Much to my wife’s dismay, I fall into the latter category. No matter how much excitement or anticipation I have about a trip,

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child sponsor

Siloe School Opens

Many prayers were answered this year when Siloe School in Oaxaca, Mexico officially opened to 28 elementary students! Siloe School is a private Christian school run by our Mexico Children’s Program. Our program has always supported education by providing tutoring and covering school supplies and fees, but this is the next

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A Strong Cord Built with Chavannes

This November, Forward Edge International celebrated 40 years of fruitful ministry at our annual Worth & Purpose Benefit for Children. As part of the celebration, Forward Edge’s Program Directors were invited to attend from around the world. As preparations and accommodations were being made, I learned that our Haitian Program

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Habari (hello), my name is Mary

  • location


  • 8 yrs. old


Entered the program: April 2022

Mary lives with her grandmother, four cousins, a nephew and a niece in a rented two-room stone house that has electricity, a cement floor and a good bathroom facility. They fetch water from a neighbor’s borehole. Mary’s grandmother is the main provider for the family but her mother is employed as a maid and helps out.

Mary's cousin, Robinson Numi, is also in the Mama Beth program.


Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.