Nubia’s Story: The Power of Love

Love has a way of radically transforming lives. At Forward Edge, we place our focus on helping children trapped in poverty reach their full, God-given potential (Ephesians 2:10) by meeting their basic needs (food, safe water, health care) and empowering them with quality education, vocational training, and spiritual discipleship. This holistic model helps vulnerable children receive the care they often desperately need. What is the result? They begin to thrive.ย ย 

However, while food, water and education are crucial in breaking the cycle of poverty, love is what penetrates the heart and creates lasting change in the lives of the children our programs serve. Every program leader in our locations has dedicated themselves to forming deep relationships with the children and loving them consistently. For many children, this may be the first time in their life theyโ€™ve experienced the love of Jesus. This was true for Nubia.ย 

Nubiaโ€™s Story: A Life Transformedย 

Nubia first came to Trigo y Miel, Forward Edgeโ€™s childrenโ€™s program in Oaxaca, Mexico for tutoring, as she was severely behind in school. Victor and Lety Velasco, our program directors, quickly noticed that Nubia was sad, withdrawn, and unwilling to try. It was then that Victor and Lety showed extra concern for Nubia, and that is when she opened up to them, describing herself as “uglyโ€, “fatโ€, and โ€œstupid”. She told them there was no use in trying to help her because she believed she would never amount to anything. Sadly, these were the exact words her family would use for her in her childhood, and over time she had begun to wear them like a heavy shroud, carrying them with her everywhere she went.ย 

Victor and Lety began to speak the truth to Nubia and tell her she was beautiful, smart, and worthy of being loved. Each day she came to the program, she heard these words of love and affirmation and as a result, began to improve in every area of her life. She quickly caught up in school and over the years rose to the top of her class! She became a leader in the program and began mentoring younger kids who needed to hear those same life-giving words Victor and Lety had repeated to her. As demonstrated in Nubiaโ€™s life, the role a loving adult plays in a childโ€™s life, especially as a mentor, is invaluable. It is love that moves mountains.ย 

The Role of a Caring Adultย ย 

Child Trends, a nonprofit research center that conducts research on the well-being of children and factors affecting childrenโ€™s lives, reported that โ€œ… the presence of one or more caring, committed adults in a childโ€™s life increases the likelihood that children and youth flourish, and become productive adults themselves.โ€ย ย 

Fortunately, Nubia has also been loved by and enjoyed a close relationship with her sponsor, Barbara. In a letter to Barbara at Christmas, Nubia wrote, โ€œI love to write to you and tell you about my life and my dreams. It is so good for me. I am fulfilling my goals little by little. Iยดm going to college and working part time. The college campus is so big, and it is fully equipped. I will be doing my practicum soon. I think it will be at a hospital or in a community outside of the city. Iยดm learning a lot. Thank you for your gift and for your love. I know you are on my side, and you love me no matter what.โ€ย 

How Powerful Love Isย 

Nubia experienced a new beginning when she came to Trigo y Miel. A beginning marked by deep love and care through her relationship with Victor and Lety, and later through her sponsor, Barbara. This changed the trajectory of her life, her outlook, and her ability to step into Godโ€™s plans for her life.ย ย 

Now, sheโ€™s flourishing and has a true sense of worth and purpose. What a testament to how powerful love is.ย ย 

transforming lives

Escaping the Slum to Pursue God’s Purpose: Job’s Story

The past two years have been particularly hard for children in Uganda. Schools remained shut through most of the pandemic. Light a Candle, our program there, worked tirelessly to help these children succeed in their education despite the seemingly impossible situation. Despite school closures, children have remained committed to pursuing

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Overcoming Poverty One Family at a Time

In Zaachila, on the outskirts of Oaxaca City, Mexico, live many impoverished families whoโ€™ve traveled from distant areas in search of more opportunities and a better life…only to find themselves confronted with the same devastating and debilitating effects of poverty: hunger, joblessness, water-borne illness, lack of education, gang violence, drug

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What is Sell a Home, Save a Child?

Have you come across Sell a Home, Save a Child and wondered what it is? Abbreviated SAHSAC, Sell a Home, Save a Child is a funding program for Forward Edge International. The premise is simple: sell homes and save children. Real Estate professionals can partner with Sell a Home, Save

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child sponsorship

New Uganda Children’s Program

We are so excited to be starting 2019 off with the addition of a brand new Forward Edge ministry location. Our newest Child Sponsorship program, Light A Candle, serves 400 children in some of the most difficult areas of Kampala, Uganda. Kampala comprises 3.5 million people within the city limits,

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Bonjou (hello), my name is Jean Mikenley

  • location


  • 12 yrs. old


Entered the Program: November 2022

Jean Mckinley lives with his parents and siblings in three rooms they rent in someone elseโ€™s home. The house has electricity, running water, and indoor bathroom and kitchen. His father works as a security guard and his mother works as a street vendor to provide for the family.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.