Whose Bible?

Last-Minute Packing and a Divine Nudge There are two kinds of people: those who pack a month before their trip and those who pack the night before. Much to my wife’s dismay, I fall into the latter category. No matter how much excitement or anticipation I have about a trip, I can’t seem to bring […]

Divine Encounters in Oaxaca: Reflections from a Mission Trip

Bold Obedience In life, some moments stand out as divine interventions, where God’s hand is unmistakably at work. Mission trips are often such moments, where lives intersect with purpose, and hearts are transformed in ways beyond measure. Jilese’s recent journey to Oaxaca, Mexico, serves as a testament to this truth. I had the privilege of […]

Pearl Partner Spotlight: Cuba

As a kid growing up in the late 1990’s, I idolized my favorite athletes of the day. I cut out their pictures from the newspaper or Sports Illustrated for Kids and hung them on the walls of my bedroom. When I played baseball, I mimicked Derek Jeter’s batting stance. When I shot a basketball, I […]