Walter Experiences Love and a Miracle

Walter Simón and his family have attended “Valley of Blessing” Baptist Church (where our Cuba children’s program is located) in El Cobre, Cuba for over 17 years.

Walter’s two children, one four years old and the other one of three years old, really like vegetables. 

While in the church with his children and the pastor, they saw the garden, where the vegetables grow vigorously. Both children exclaimed; “Lettuce, lettuce, Daddy!” And they asked their father; “When will we eat lettuce, Daddy?” The church pastor, knowing the critical food situation in the area, gave them a bundle of lettuce and two squashes. 

Walter expressed gratitude to the Lord and to the pastor. He told the pastor that that afternoon he had nothing for dinner at home. He considered that was a miracle from God. To which the pastor responded that thanks to Forward Edge, the church had managed to grow those vegetables and that it was a pleasure to be able to share with them. 


Pearl Partner Spotlight: Cuba

As a kid growing up in the late 1990’s, I idolized my favorite athletes of the day. I cut out their pictures from the newspaper or Sports Illustrated for Kids and hung them on the walls of my bedroom. When I played baseball, I mimicked Derek Jeter’s batting stance. When

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Taste of the Nations

One of Forward Edge’s most dearly held values is the importance of relationships. And what better way has God given us to bond with others than over a table of good food. Culture is often shared through food. Sharing meals isn’t just about filling our stomachs—it’s about connection over stories,

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Christmas and Salvation

Our children’s programs had wonderful Christmas programs full of food, music, celebration, and the true meaning of Christmas – in fact at least 13 people were saved through these programs! Oaxaca Haiti Kenya Uganda Ghana Cuba Oaxaca Haiti Kenya Uganda Ghana Cuba In Oaxaca, families were invited for a delicious

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Two Countries, One Purpose

Relationships are everything. And it’s not just those in the U.S. reaching out to other countries; it’s the entire Global Church engaging with and learning from each other. As an organization, we seek to foster and steward those vital relationships. Recently, the director of our Uganda children’s program, Bonny Lugayizi,

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Gyebaleki (hello), my name is Majorine

  • location


  • 18 yrs. old


Entered the program: January 2019

Majorine lives with one of her sisters and two older cousins in a five-bedroom house in which her aunt passed away from COVID-19. The family uses a charcoal stove or firewood to cook. They boil water for drinking which they fetch from a tap behind the house. Majorine's cousins raise ducks, turkeys, and chicken for food for the household but also to sell. 

Majorine's sister, Allen, brother, Reagan, and cousin, Irene, are also in the LAC program.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.