Walter Experiences Love and a Miracle

Cuba has been in dire need of fresh produce. Due to regulations, food staples are often in short supply and hard to obtain. That’s why in 2023, a garden was started right on-site, growing fresh produce for meals served at the program and for families in serious need…families like Walter and his children, who unbeknownst to our program leaders, had nothing for dinner at home one day.

That morning, while attending church, they noticed the garden. Both children exclaimed, “Lettuce, lettuce, Daddy!” and asked their father, “When will we eat lettuce, Daddy?” Our partner, aware of the critical food situation in the area, gave them a head of lettuce and two squashes. That’s when Walter shared about their dire situation and considered the gift of vegetables a miracle from God!

It’s amazing how even the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact, transforming lives and strengthening faith in the process.

build homes

Alice’s New Home

“Don’t worry Mum, keep trusting in God. Who knows? Maybe next month we’ll be in our own home.” Joseph fervently prayed for God to provide a new home for his family, and encouraged his mother, Alice, to keep faith. A Dirt Floor for a Bed  In a humble home in

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child sponsorship

Nubia’s Story: The Power of Love

Love has a way of radically transforming lives. At Forward Edge, we place our focus on helping children trapped in poverty reach their full, God-given potential (Ephesians 2:10) by meeting their basic needs (food, safe water, health care) and empowering them with quality education, vocational training, and spiritual discipleship. This

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Christmas and Salvation

Our children’s programs had wonderful Christmas programs full of food, music, celebration, and the true meaning of Christmas – in fact at least 13 people were saved through these programs! Oaxaca Haiti Kenya Uganda Ghana Cuba Oaxaca Haiti Kenya Uganda Ghana Cuba In Oaxaca, families were invited for a delicious

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disaster recovery

Team Shows Love After Hurricane Harvey

Three Team Members, a piece of cake, and Miss Bonnie It had been three days, and none of us had met Miss Bonnie. “We could see this small shed on the property as we were working, but weren’t sure if someone was actually in there. And then we heard that

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Gyebaleki (hello), my name is Alice

  • location


  • 21 yrs. old


Entered the program: January 2019

Alice lives with her aunt, sister, and several cousins in a four-room house. The family uses a charcoal stove to cook and boils water from a nearby bore hole for drinking. Alice's older brother works to provide for his siblings after the passing of their parents. The girls stay with their aunt for their safety while their brother is away from the home.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.