

Bringing hope and love to vulnerable children and their families.





Why Cuba

The recent improvement of relations with the U.S. has provided a historic opportunity to support the work of the Church in Cuba which has exploded in recent years. Thirty years ago, 1% of the population attended weekly services, by 2004 that number reached 20%, and the growth since has been described as “miraculous”, akin to biblical times; the more resistance God’s people faced, the faster the Church grew. 

Many families live off around $20 per month. Parents have difficulty providing for their children, and many go to bed hungry each night. That’s why our program is so critical.

Our Program

Good Samaritan’s Club

We’re currently serving around 140 children in Cuba, providing them with a weekly nutritious meal, tutoring assistance, and spiritual instruction. Most importantly, we’re teaching them about God’s love, guiding them on their path to follow Jesus, and helping them to realize their full God-given potential.

By supporting the work of the Church in Cuba, we’re not only providing practical assistance to those in need but also offering a message of hope and love that transcends material circumstances.

Christ centered

Declaring and demonstrating the Good News of Jesus Christ has always been – and will always be – at the heart of everything we do. Our program leaders are closely connected to the local church, and integrate discipleship into their feeding program.

child focused

Children are the seeds of the future. When we invest in them, they have the capacity to be agents of change in their communities for generations to come. Our program focuses on the individual needs of each child and reaches out from there to their families and communities.


Our program is holistic, caring for the whole child – their mind, body and spirit. We provide regular meals to children, food baskets for families, special medical assistance, safe drinking water, discipleship, and a caring community.

locally led

Gabriel and Leidis, natives to Cuba, are local Christian leaders with a heart for the next generation. We work closely with them to ensure high levels of trust and stewardship in the program. 

Give Monthly or One-Time

help cuba

Monthly giving enables our program to have sustained impact in the lives of children and their community, but every gift of generosity makes a difference.

How Every Dollar Makes a Difference in Cuba

$25 can provide a nutritious meal and the Gospel to seven children.

$50 can provide a week of VBS and meals for 14 children.
$60 can provide monthly employment for one family maintaining our farm project.
$100 can provide a week-long discipleship program for 52 children and their fathers.
$250 can provide access to safe drinking water for four families.

As a child sponsor, you’re providing things like nutritious meals, safe drinking water, education, health care, and spiritual instruction. Beyond meeting their critical needs, you’re also building a priceless personal relationship with a child, helping them discover their true worth and God-given potential.

Due to the unique culture of the area we ask that you contact us directly to learn more about how to help children in Cuba, including sponsorship. You can email us at hello@forwardedge.org or call us at (360) 574 -3343.

visit Cuba

Teams of 10 or more are invited to go on a 7 to 10-night mission trip to our program in Cuba. You will be the hands and feet of Jesus as you serve children and their families, build relationships, and grow in faith.

Church & School Partnerships

Partnering your church or school with our program in Cuba creates a meaningful, long-term, and holistic impact for all parties involved. 

Contact Us to Get Started