3 Quick Tips to Keep Pace with Global Partners During a Pandemic
Have you had to cancel or postpone a trip to serve in another country this year? Have you considered repurposing your investment rather than losing it or delaying the opportunity?

1. Repurpose your plan

Is there a way to take the plans you have already made and modify them using virtual platforms? Can you offer other services or resources from your church that would not otherwise be available?

2. Repurpose your people

What if you kept the proposed team intact and rallied them to redirect their time and effort to serve the same ministry in other ways? Could you involve more people who wanted to participate but were not able to make the trip?

3. Repurpose your resources

What if you still raised the funds you were planning to raise and invested them in the ministry site you were planning to serve? What would it look like in this pandemic year to spend more of your budget on much needed food, water, or medical services in these disadvantaged countries?

living on mission

Presenting Your Mission in 5 Steps

When it comes to sharing with others about your mission, calling, or passion for a particular cause, your main objective should be to connect with your audience. Get them engaged emotionally and intellectually so that they are ready to receive what you have to say. Whether you are one-on-one or

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Mary’s Story

In the extremely poor village of Kijabe, Kenya, there lives a crippled widow named Mary. After her husband died of AIDS a few years ago, she struggled to find food. While she suffers from HIV, too, Mary’s greatest challenge is a nerve problem in her legs. She has to use crutches

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Viola’s Story

Viola lives in the slums of Kampala, Uganda with her parents and five siblings. Living conditions in this area are cramped and unsanitary. Viola’s family lives in a small, brick, two-bedroom house. The whole family shares one room and the other one is used to house chickens and a goat that

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child sponsorship

Sponsoring a Child During COVID-19

During these times when most of us are ‘social distancing’ and ‘sheltering in place’, we probably have much more time on our hands and yet are unable to be in touch with many of those on our minds. This is especially true of our sponsored children. We know they and

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Miredita (hello), my name is Leon

  • location


  • 16 yrs. old


Entered the program: October 2023

Leon and his family live in a small house that government aid helped them to build in the yard of their grandparents. Their furnishings are second-hand but in good condition. Despite this opportunity, there are problems within the extended family which make life very difficult for them. 

Leon’s mother is a hair stylist and has tried to work out of their home but there are many obstacles. Leon’s father is a truck driver but works sporadically. Because he is able to work, they can’t receive any government assistance, but he has heart disease and had to have surgery. Leon’s parents had to borrow money to pay the medical bills. Life is very difficult for them.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.