A Tax-Savvy Way To Give

As Christ-followers, we give to others to follow Christ’s example and to invest in His eternal Kingdom. We trust Jesus when he said, “It is better to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

While it should never be the reason why we give, a secondary benefit when we do, in America, is the tax savings it provides.

There are lots of ways to leverage your giving for tax savings, but perhaps none more fruitful than donating stocks.

Many of our partners are often surprised to hear that by donating stocks to Forward Edge, they can make a powerful impact while gaining some financial benefits.

Why stock giving is so beneficial

Whenever you cash out your appreciated stocks, you have to pay capital gains tax. However, if you donate some of them directly to Forward Edge, that full amount is eligible for a tax deduction, and you’re also now left with a smaller capital gains liability. This savvy technique allows you to give more and save in two ways on your taxes!

For some, giving stock can seem confusing and complicated. The good news is we have people ready to guide you through the process to make it much easier.

Contact our Controller, Tim Jones, for questions or to donate stock: timjones@forwardedge.org or (360) 558-5893.

If you’re planning on giving to Forward Edge again in the future, and you own stocks, I encourage you to check out this tax-savvy option. It’s a great way to reap secondary benefits while you continue blessing others in Jesus’ name.


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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Ka wula (hello), my name is Benjamin Depantaki

  • location


  • 9 yrs. old


Entered the program: March 2023

Benjamin lives with his parents and three siblings in a three-bedroom house built with cement bricks. Benjamin and the family have access to potable drinking water and electricity. There is poor sanitation in the community which causes a health hazard and the nearest health care facility is a long distance away.

Benjamin’s family is Christian. His father is unemployed; his mother is a housewife. They live on less than a $1 a day. Before joining Create Hope, affording the school fees and educational supplies for Benjamin was a hardship.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.