Berenice’s Letter

A special message from one of our sponsored children in Oaxaca, Mexico:

Receive an affectionate greeting all of you. I would like to tell you a little bit about my life in Trigo y Miel Program.

My name is Berenice Santiago Lugo. I have 5 siblings. Audre, Uriel, Joselyn, Dulce and Samuel, and my parents, Silvia Lugo Altamirano and Felipe Santiago Rodríguez, we are 8 members in my family.

In 2011 I had the immense blessing of being part of this beautiful family “Trigo y Miel”. I was 12 years old, at that time I was in the last year of primary school. I joined the program because of the need that many of us have. Lack of resources to have a good diet. As the months, even years passed, I began to know Pastors Victor and Lety. They are real, pure, noble, pleasant, loving, holy and above all I got to know my savior, I met CHRIST. My life had radical changes. Every day that passed I had more and more blessings, one of them was to be the first family to get a house through this Program.

Berenice stands on the far left with her family in front of their home being built.

With the passing of the years, I found myself on the last semester of high school. My family and I were very stressed to know how difficult it would be to continue my education. We trusted God once again.

Upon graduating High School, my Family and I faced the problem that so many young students face. How to continue with my education? Through Trigo y Miel Program and Forward Edge International and thanks to divine intervention I received a scholarship through my Sponsors.

It was a few weeks away from the Universities starting classes and I was not sure of having a tuition, but they surprised us by informing us that one of my sponsors would pay 100% of my university studies. My family and I were very happy! I went to the UGMEX University (University of the Gulf of Mexico) at Oaxaca campus. This is how I started my university studies and in July of this year 2021 I graduated.

After 10 years of being in Trigo y Miel Program, today I finish my career and I have a degree in Tourism Business Administration and also, thru the years, I became a believer in Christ and now I know that God is using me to do something new. To serve Him in the church and to bless others, just as I was blessed.

I am infinitely grateful to all the people that God used to bless me and my family and, I pray that there will be more people like them. For the moment I am supporting my Pastors in the Church and in “Trigo and Miel” Program and next school year I will actively participate in “Siloé School“.


Berenice on her college graduation day with Pastor Victor and Lety and her family.


Today, with much love, affection, and love, I want to thank all the beautiful people who were behind all these moments that I have lived. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be who I am today. Thank you very much Joseph for being the head of this incredible organization. Thank you to my sponsors] for believing in me and blessing me in all ways. For caring about my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, and above all thanks to my Pastor Víctor Manuel Velasco Bautista and María Leticia Mazas for being part of this adventure. Thank you for being and continuing to be my spiritual guide and thank you for never leaving me alone and being there for me all the time.

Thanks to each of those who made possible one of my biggest dreams, a University career. But I am blessed for the best gift that anyone could have ever given me. He will always be in mind for and that gift was to know God and my savior Jesus Christ.

These words are sincere with all my heart and love. This is my testimony. I thank God for having me be in Trigo y Miel and for being sponsored by Forward Edge International. 

I thank you for time. I send you a huge hug. 


Berenice Santiago Lugo

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Miredita (hello), my name is Eneja

  • location


  • 11 yrs. old


Entered the program: October 2023

Eneja lives with her parents and big brother in a two-room apartment. Their furniture is second-hand but kept very clean. Eneja’s mother lost her eyesight in 2013 and doesn’t work. Her father works as a waiter in a restaurant for a low wage. During the summer he must work long hours so Eneja and her brother look after the house and their mother, as she cannot be alone. This is hard for Eneja but she tries to be happy and positive for others.

Eneja's brother, Dorian, is also in the Corner Stone program.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.