4 Ways to Minister Across Cultures

Jesus calls us to step outside of ourselves—our own ways of viewing and doing things—if we are to follow him, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself” Matthew 16:24. The same is true when ministering cross-culturally. Ministering to those in a culture different from your own is not easy. It means leaving behind all your preconceived notions of how people should act and think. It also means entering the new culture like a child, ready to learn from those you intend to serve.

1. Learn the Language (Or at least some of it)

Language is the key that opens the door to cross-cultural ministry. Put some work in before your short-term mission trip to learn some of the language of the people you will be serving. Even if your sentences are broken, you have an accent, and you have to use hand gestures to fill in the gaps, you’ll be amazed at the connections you make with people when you put in this extra effort. You’ll also be surprised at how much grace you receive from native speakers as you fumble over words and phrases. By speaking a person’s language, you turn the tables and give that person the ability to help you with something for a change. This can give someone a sense of empowerment and dignity and only serve to build your relationship and open doors for better sharing the Gospel.

2. Learn the Culture

It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to minister cross-culturally without learning about the culture you’ll be ministering in. Before you leave on your short-term mission trip, find a way to immerse yourself into the culture. For example, if you are going to Mexico, spend some time at a local Spanish church, if you are going to Africa, find an organization that works with African refugees. Be creative and be bold, stepping outside of your comfort zone like this will not be easy. Before and during your mission trip try to listen more than you talk. You will be surprised at how much of a person’s culture you can learn by just listening and observing.

3. Be Present

When you’re on a short-term mission trip, don’t let anything—personal worries, being uncomfortable, to-dos, etc—stand in the way of you and the people you’re serving. Get on your knees and hug the little children, play with them, show a genuine interest in people’s live’s when you speak with them, don’t rush your time together. Focus on building relationships above all else.

4. Use Your Gifts

In 1 Peter 4:10 God calls us to “Use whatever gift you have received to serve others”. Did you know you that God gave you unique spiritual gifts to help you minister to others? If you haven’t already discovered your spiritual gifts you can take a test online or have a discussion with your pastor or other church leader or mentor. Spiritual gifts can include things that are practical, like teaching and leading (Romans 12:6-8), or they can be things like healing and prophecy (1 Corinthians 12:8–10). Once you have an idea of what your gifts may be, find a way to use them before your short-term mission trip. The more you use your gifts the more proficient you will be in them and the better you can use your unique spiritual gifts to minister to others.

Serve on a Mission Trip
Practice your new skills in cross-cultural ministry as you serve some of the world's most vulnerable children, families and communities.
Acholi People

Women of the Word

Nancy, our Director of Development and long-time short-term missionary, shares her experience with the “Women of the Word” program in Kampala, Uganda. These resilient women, who migrated to a new area after facing unimaginable hardships, have come together to build a supportive community and empower one another. Discover how their journey of faith and perseverance is creating lasting change in their lives and in their community.

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Fundraising Tips for Your Mission Trip

Forward Edge International has sent over 1,500 mission teams over the past three decades. During that time, we’ve gathered a few tips common among those who’ve successfully raised funds for their trip. Fundraising not only helps support your trip financially, it also provides a way for your friends and family

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mission trips

4 Practical Ways to Prepare for A Mission Trip

Before embarking on your first mission trip, there are a variety of things you can do to prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. This article will focus on some of the practical steps you can take to ensure you get the most out of your experience. Here are four things

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forward edge

One Week to Find Joy

Looking For Joy? Have you ever felt like you were on a hunt for joy? An 18-year-old boy was surprised to find it surrounded by people who had very little. He found it where you’d assume you’d find sadness. He went on a trip unsure of what he would experience

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Ka wula (hello), my name is Mariam

  • location


  • 18 yrs. old


Entered the program: March 2023

Mariam lives with her parents and three siblings in a three-bedroom mud house roofed with thatch; they have no latrine. The village has access to electricity for purchase but it often runs out before they can buy more. They have no access to potable water. Water is fetched from a local dam until it dries up, then the village women and girls must travel long distances to find other sources. This interferes with work and school attendance.

Mariam comes from a Muslim family but she and her younger sister, Rahamatu (also in the program), have accepted Christ. Mariam’s father is a farmer but barely harvests enough food to last throughout the year. Her mother tries to sells rice to help provide. They live on about $20 a month and before coming to Create Hope, they sometimes ate only once a day. Before joining the program, Mariam and her sister could not attend school regularly. Also, like many girls her age, Mariam misses school during her monthly cycle since they cannot afford sanitary supplies.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.