Viola’s Story

Viola lives in the slums of Kampala, Uganda with her parents and five siblings. Living conditions in this area are cramped and unsanitary. Viola’s family lives in a small, brick, two-bedroom house. The whole family shares one room and the other one is used to house chickens and a goat that are being raised to sell. 

When the lockdown measures hit the world this spring, each of our programs had to pivot from their normal services at schools, churches and community centers, and venture out with more home visits to care for our children. This cost a bit more, but we knew it was what we needed to do. 

Viola is one of the children our team in Uganda visited. During one of the home visits, we realized that Viola and her siblings were sleeping almost on bare ground. They were sleeping on thin, dirty, browned pieces of pad that had to be put together for one to sleep on, along with torn-up blankets that can hardly bring warmth in the cold.

Our staff realized Viola was one of the children who, whenever they got the chance to meet up with her, either had a cough or flu,  and if not, she was complaining of back and body pains. This could have been a result of the poor sleeping conditions. 

Our Uganda team got together and decided to get two mattresses and three blankets for the family. 

Our Uganda team reports, “The joy, gratitude, and tears in their eyes when receiving the beds and blankets was worth a memory in our hearts and they now sleep comfortably like they should.” 

God used this pandemic to lead our staff to Viola’s home where they discovered this serious need for a real bed. God reached out to Viola with His tangible love not just in spite of this horrible season,  but through it

community development

Create Hope Ghana – Living Up to Its Name

It’s an exciting time at Forward Edge as we announce the launch of our brand new program, Create Hope Ghana, alongside our 40th anniversary celebration. We’re thrilled to witness the positive impact this program has already made on the lives of 75 children and their families residing in 10 different

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stories from the field

Learning to Smile

Many of us have seen profile photos of children in sponsorship programs; they are often solemn, sad and sometimes down-right angry looking. I know I have thought at times, “Wow, that poor child must be so unhappy!” But then I come across a video from the same organization in which

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Ileana’s Letter

Ileana has been in our Nicaragua children’s program for the last eight years. Our team has poured into her heart, spirit, and education, and she has blossomed into a beautiful young woman of God. Her life hasn’t been easy, but as you’ll read in her letter, she has learned to

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Christian Charity in Action

Pearl Partner Spotlight: Kenya

This blog is a part of an ongoing series on Forward Edge’s Pearl Partners. Check out our highlights on Cuba and Haiti and enjoy this interview with Jane Wathagana.   20 years ago, Jane Wathagana was a successful businesswoman in Kenya, the Director of Animal World Safaris and Elangata Luxury

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Bonjou (hello), my name is Ritchy

  • location


  • 8 yrs. old


Entered the program: June 2021

Ritchy lives with his parents and 4 siblings in a 2-room house covered with sheet metal. They have no running water or electricity, and the kitchen and bathroom are outside. 

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.