3 Quick Tips to Keep Pace with Global Partners During a Pandemic
Have you had to cancel or postpone a trip to serve in another country this year? Have you considered repurposing your investment rather than losing it or delaying the opportunity?

1. Repurpose your plan

Is there a way to take the plans you have already made and modify them using virtual platforms? Can you offer other services or resources from your church that would not otherwise be available?

2. Repurpose your people

What if you kept the proposed team intact and rallied them to redirect their time and effort to serve the same ministry in other ways? Could you involve more people who wanted to participate but were not able to make the trip?

3. Repurpose your resources

What if you still raised the funds you were planning to raise and invested them in the ministry site you were planning to serve? What would it look like in this pandemic year to spend more of your budget on much needed food, water, or medical services in these disadvantaged countries?

child sponsorship

How to Be a Child Advocate

What is Child Advocacy and how do I do it? “Child Advocacy”… such an official sounding term, isn’t it? Miriam Webster defines advocacy as “the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal”, and when broken down that way, it’s a pretty simple concept. Many of us are child

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mission trips

4 Practical Ways to Prepare for A Mission Trip

Before embarking on your first mission trip, there are a variety of things you can do to prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. This article will focus on some of the practical steps you can take to ensure you get the most out of your experience. Here are four things

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From our CEO

Life Advice Part 4: Live to Be Forgotten

Tim Ainley, CEO of Forward Edge, recently shared an inspiring message at a graduation commencement ceremony that is a timely and impactful message for us all. But, especially for recent graduates, young adults, and teens, these words could be the guiding principles you need as you step into a world

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community development

Why We Should Involve Children in Development

In his book, “Empowering Children”, former Forward Edge board member, Dr. Ravi Jayakaran, shares the importance of involving children in the process of their own development. When a community invests its resources in its children, it invests in its own future. Just as Forward Edge values all children and believes

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Miredita (hello), my name is Ledion

  • location


  • 8 yrs. old


Entered the program: September 2023

Ledion lives with his parents and baby brother in a one-bedroom apartment his grandparents helped them buy in 2021. Ledion’s parents find it very difficult to make a living. His father can do carpentry but cannot find any work except occasionally in the summer months. Ledion’s mother is a housewife but she has physical ailments with her back and her eyes which hinder her. Ledion’s grandparents try to help them as much as possible but they have little for themselves as well.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.