Sell a Home, Save a child: Members on mission in Oaxaca

Sell a Home, Save a Child (SAHSAC) Member Troy Daniels, accompanied by his business partner Veronica, joined us on a mission trip to our Mexico children’s program, Trigo y Miel and the Siloé school, to witness the direct impact of his contributions. In our interview, he shared his experience, his commitment to SAHSAC, and offered valuable insights for other members considering going on a mission trip. 

Why I went on the trip: 

I have been wanting to go on one of these mission trips for several years now but there always seemed to be a schedule conflict with work or previously planned trips. The stars finally aligned for me to have this week available and I jumped at the chance. I really love helping others and I believe in giving back to the community. God has truly blessed me in so many ways and with that success I feel a strong sense of responsibility to share God’s grace with others.  

How this trip made me feel about my involvement with Sell a Home, Save a Child: 

It is so amazing to finally see first-hand how God’s grace is spreading through this program. Words and videos cannot describe the feeling I had all week. To see the amazing school curriculum, the amount of physical activities, the nutritious meals, the clean drinking water and the safe and loving environment being provided to these children is overwhelming. However, nothing is as heartwarming as seeing and feeling the pure joy on these children’s faces each and every day.

What was different or more than what I expected: 

I literally went on his trip with zero expectations and a servants mindset. My attitude was to arrive on day one and ask them how I could help. Having said that, the entire week exceeded any possible expectation that I could have dreamed of ahead of time, had I allowed myself the time to think about it. 

My favorite thing/activity from the week: 

My favorite activities were spending time with the children. Whether we were teaching them in the classroom, attending church services, participating with them at recess, or just getting to know them during meals, being around these amazing children was extremely uplifting for me.

A moment that you will never forget? 

I will never forget the amount of love I witnessed from everyone I encountered at Trigo y Miel all week. This obviously starts with Pastor Victor and his wife Lety setting the example for the entire program, but continues throughout the entire organization, including the staff, the teachers and the students themselves. I witnessed God’s love and joy through every single person I came in contact with during this entire week.

What I want to do on the next trip: 

I want to be even more involved. I am making it a priority to become more fluent in Spanish so it will be easier for me to communicate with everyone there. I would also love to be able to provide the students with life-coaching classes, if the curriculum has space for this and the leadership allows it.

What I would say to another Sell A Home, Save A Child Member considering going on a trip: 

What are you waiting for? Do not hesitate to say yes and jump at the your first chance to go on one of these mission trips. It is truly a life-changing and highly rewarding experience to witness God’s work first-hand.

Troy Daniel's Headshot

Troy Daniels is the team leader and owner of Bajaranza Realty, brokered by eXp Mexico. With his passion for helping others and strong leadership skills, he founded Bajaranza Realty in Los Cabos and started building a team of agents in Mexico.

After hearing about Sell a Home, Save a Child, Troy realized there’s a way to give back even more. “By joining forces with Sell a Home, Save a Child, our team can continue focusing on helping people in real estate locally, while simultaneously giving back to others globally! It is a perfect, win-win situation.”

Sell a Home, Save a Child Powered by Forward Edge is not just a funding program; it’s a movement. Our members are visionary real estate professionals who are igniting change as agents of transformation. By boldly advocating for children trapped in extreme poverty around the world, they’re reshaping the landscape of the real estate industry.

Are you a real-estate professional?
Join us in revolutionizing philanthropy and making a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children worldwide by becoming a member today!

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Habari (hello), my name is Humphrey

  • location


  • 6 yrs. old


Entered the program: June 2023

Humphrey lives with his grandmother, big brother, cousin, and uncle in a three-room plastered house with a cemented floor. They have an outdoor pit latrine that is in good condition. The family has electricity and they fetch water from a borehole.

Humphrey’s mother passed away from cancer in 2020. Humphrey’s grandmother took him and his brother, Peter, in after their mother's death. Humphrey’s grandmother doesn’t work and has no income; she relies on her son, as well as the Mama Beth program, to help provide for the children.

Humphrey’s brother, Peter, is also in the Mama Beth program.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.