
Safe Water in Haiti

Provide access to safe water for children and families in critical need.

The urban community of Vernet is located just outside the city of Les Cayes in the southern region of Haiti. It is home to approximately 3,000 people who lack safe drinking water. Without easy access to safe water, countless hours are spent in water collection and what little income a family has is spent to purchase water and medical treatment for water-related diseases. Providing a solution to this need equates more time for school and work, better health, and hope for a better future.

You can help provide a safe water solution for the entire community of Vernet that will include the installation of a water treatment system in partnership with Water Mission. The components of the water system may include: construction of a concrete spring cap for an existing stream located in the community, installation of a submersible pump and electrical power for the pump, a water treatment system, construction of a wood-framed enclosure to house the treatment system, water storage tanks, and two water tap stands.

Water Project Sustainment

After implementation of the water project, we will work with the community of Vernet to provide the following:

A safe water committee (training included)

Training on equipment maintenance and operation

Health and hygiene training

Economic development training

Bring Safe Water to Vernet, HAiti!

$2,925.00 of $59,708.00 raised

Assessment & Design: $1,180

Living Water Treatment System (LWTS): $11,800

Electrical & Pump Equipment: $9,440

Storage Tanks, Piping and Wiring: $35,400

Community Training & Follow-up: $1,888

Total Funding Required: $59,708

You can trust that you're making a real and lasting impact.


Only 15% of your gift to our programs will be set aside for administration and fundraising costs.



Our children’s programs have proven effective towards long-term, holistic transformation.



Your investment empowers credible nationals caring for their own people & community.