Ileana’s Letter

Ileana has been in our Nicaragua children’s program for the last eight years. Our team has poured into her heart, spirit, and education, and she has blossomed into a beautiful young woman of God. Her life hasn’t been easy, but as you’ll read in her letter, she has learned to depend on Christ for her strength. 

Our ultimate goal for all the children and adults impacted by our programs is that they learn their true worth and God-given purpose, and we love seeing how God has faithfully done that in Ileana’s life.

Hello to all the members of the Forward Edge Office! 

The reason for my little letter is to thank each of you for allowing me to be accepted into the Villa program. Remembering a few years ago, my first days at the Villa were wonderful because the Villa was a huge paradise and full of great joy and happiness. I remember how my heart had come to the Villa full of pride, selfishness and fear, and even full of violence, and of wanting things for myself. But little by little, God was changing my life and shaping my heart according to His purpose. It was a painful process because I was already used to living that way. And when I agreed to change, I felt like I was taking nails out of my heart, and they were hurting me. But as time went on, it was the opposite of what I thought. It was God, through people, who was transforming heart. The Villa and you have been a precious gift from Jesus. So, thank you very much for your great work in my life. 

My life changed resoundingly when I accepted Christ as my only lord and Savior, and He formed much of that beautiful process. My heart was insatiable before, but now it celebrates God’s grace and mercy in my life. Members of Forward Edge, thank you for making me a different girl full of great humility and love for the service of others. Thank you for the efforts you have made in my life, for my educational and spiritual development. Today, I am a great intensive care nurse and I thank God and each of you for your efforts. 

Well, currently I have decided to leave the Villa program. It is sad for me, but I am going out freely and with great gratitude for all that the Villa and you saw in my life and in my family. With this act of leaving, I want to give opportunity to another girl who wants to be part of the Villa and wants God to work in her life as He did with me. God has done His work in my life; now it is my turn to do my part and move on. But one thing I am sure of is that I desire to follow the path of Jesus and I hope one day to be together celebrating a huge feast together with the great Creator. 

I love you very much and this is not a goodbye, but a see you soon. My heart is happy because I know that you are angels to this world and God has put you in a very special place. I will always be praying for the ministry and you. Thank you for your friendship and the nice connection. 

– Ileana

I leave this as part of what the Villa taught me: 

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” –Micah 6:8 

Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” -John 7:39 


Join The Verge

The Verge is a caring and committed group of monthly givers pushing past the barriers of poverty to bring transformation to suffering children and communities around the world. It’s people like you, giving anything they can to prove that the Gospel + practical help can break the cycle of poverty, one person at a time.

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Miredita (hello), my name is Dorian

  • location


  • 14 yrs. old


Entered the program: November 2023

Dorian lives with his parents and sister in a two-room apartment. Their furniture is second-hand but kept very clean. Dorian’s mother lost her eyesight in 2013 and doesn’t work. His father works as a waiter in a restaurant for a low wage. During the summer he must work long hours so Dorian and his sister look after the house and their mother, as she cannot be alone. This is hard for Dorian because he doesn’t have the opportunity to be with friends. He has had to take on adult responsibilities and has very little time to enjoy activities.

Dorian's sister, Eneja, is also in the Corner Stone program.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.