A Strong Cord Built with Chavannes

This November, Forward Edge International celebrated 40 years of fruitful ministry at our annual Worth & Purpose Benefit for Children. As part of the celebration, Forward Edge’s Program Directors were invited to attend from around the world. As preparations and accommodations were being made, I learned that our Haitian Program Director – Chavannes Jeune – needed a home to stay in during his time in the Pacific Northwest. My wife and I offered up our home as a place to stay, thinking it would be a great chance to serve… but what I wasn’t expecting was how much we would be served in return.  

Embodying Faith in Action 

After picking up Chavannes, and his son Vladimir at the airport, I immediately noticed what a kind, humble and gracious demeanor Chavannes displayed to everyone he encountered. My daughter, Noa, is 2 years old, and (like any toddler) can be energetic and rambunctious at times and wanted to play with Chavannes again and again. 

As a Program Director and ministry leader in Haiti, Chavannes has an incredible amount of responsibility on his shoulders; I wouldn’t blame him at all if he ignored our daughter’s requests or shut himself up in his room to rest. And yet, every time Chavannes interacted with Noa, he would smile, sing out her name and play with her. They quickly formed a special bond, as I witnessed Chavannes’ love for supporting children – including my own – firsthand. 

A Testimony of Faithfulness 

As the week went by, I got to spend time with Chavannes, asking him about his testimony and how he came to be such an incredibly impactful leader in Haiti. With sincerest humility, Chavannes shared his story of how God rescued him from a motorcycle accident when he was young; with gratitude to God’s faithfulness, from that moment forward he committed to preaching the Gospel on every continent, while serving the people of Haiti, day after day. 

And for the past 40 years that’s exactly what Chavannes has done. He has preached the Gospel in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. He has worked with churches, non-profits, governments and foreign leaders to help support the Haitian people with tools and resources for their physical, educational and spiritual flourishing. Despite danger and turmoil in his nation, especially over recent years, he has remained faithful to Jesus, to serving his Haitian neighbors, and to supporting children by leading Forward Edge’s Haiti Program.  

God’s Global Family 

As I listened to Chavannes share stories, pausing from time to time to translate his thoughts from Haitian-Creole to English, I couldn’t help but think about the book of Acts, and how Jesus’ followers grew into an eclectic, diverse global family. Chavannes and I are from different generations, nations, languages, and cultures. On paper, there’s nothing about our lives that would make us destined to become friends. And yet, because of the bond of Jesus, we are now friends, teammates and brothers in Christ.  

The Sunday after Forward Edge’s Worth & Purpose Benefit, Chavannes joined us at our church’s gathering, and prayed a blessing over our community in Haitian-Creole, while Vladimir translated into English. Our church family was deeply encouraged and blessed by Chavannes and Vladimir and continue to pray for them as they seek to love their neighbors, just like we do, a few thousand miles away. 

A Strong Cord 

These types of friendships and partnerships are what make Forward Edge International so unique. Whether you’re making friends in another country while on a mission team, supporting a student through child sponsorship, or hosting a Program Director, everything Forward Edge strives to do is centered on our core value of Trusted Relationships.  

As Ecclesiastes 4:12 states, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” These trusted relationships built around Christ are like a strong cord, unified for the purpose of bringing glory to God and increasing our effectiveness in transforming the lives of children trapped in poverty through Christ-centered, holistic care. I am grateful for Chavanne’s presence in my life, the strong cord that’s been built between us, and the beautiful things that God is doing through Forward Edge. 


Overcoming Poverty One Family at a Time

In Zaachila, on the outskirts of Oaxaca City, Mexico, live many impoverished families who’ve traveled from distant areas in search of more opportunities and a better life…only to find themselves confronted with the same devastating and debilitating effects of poverty: hunger, joblessness, water-borne illness, lack of education, gang violence, drug

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A New Vision for the Village of Hope

The Road to Today “Imagine a young girl forced to grow up inside a garbage dump, exposed to extreme filth and severe malnutrition, at risk of physical abuse, rape, drug abuse, pregnancy – and even being sold into prostitution by her family for first access to incoming garbage.” These were

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child sponsorship

Nubia’s Story: The Power of Love

Love has a way of radically transforming lives. At Forward Edge, we place our focus on helping children trapped in poverty reach their full, God-given potential (Ephesians 2:10) by meeting their basic needs (food, safe water, health care) and empowering them with quality education, vocational training, and spiritual discipleship. This

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Children Step Up for Families

Tough Times It never ceases to amaze me the accomplishments children can achieve, but more importantly and impressively, their hearts behind it. The pandemic has been difficult for everyone, but one of the largest hurdles the families in our programs have had to face is watching the prices for their

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Bonjou (hello), my name is Fabrice

  • location


  • 5 yrs. old


Entered the program: May 2024

Fabrice lives with his parents and sister in a tent located in an area where there are several houses. They have no bed and the family sleeps on the ground. They cook with a campfire and use a public restroom. His father is unemployed and his mother tries to sell bananas as a street vendor. The family has one meal a day.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.