Christmas and Salvation

Our children’s programs had wonderful Christmas programs full of food, music, celebration, and the true meaning of Christmas – in fact at least 13 people were saved through these programs!

  • In Oaxaca, families were invited for a delicious meal and beautiful pageant. Each of the grades performed a dance or depiction of a Biblical story or truth. Pastor Victor shared the story of God’s love at Christmas. 

  • In Haiti, the children gathered to celebrate the birth of Jesus with prayer, reciting scripture, a wonderful meal, and gifts. Pastor Chavanne led the children in thanking God for the Forward Edge Family and asked them to continue to prayer for the mission to expand.  

  • In Kenya, the sponsored children and their families enjoyed a Christmas party with scrumptious meal, Christmas carols, multiple cakes, and the Gospel. Each family received a Christmas gift hamper with food for the families. 

  • In Uganda, the staff organized a Christmas party for the children of Katanga slum – a place that would use the joy and peace of Jesus. Due to the large number of children, the community leaders assisted the Forward Edge team with the children. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal and a beautiful “Merry Christmas” cake. 

  • In Ghana, needed food packages were distributed to families so they would have food for Christmas together. 

  • In Cuba, the program had their annual Christmas dinner with 345 people attending! The team provided a terrific Cuban meal, and the Gospel was presented to all. That day, 13 people from the community accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior! 

Each celebration was unique and reflected the wonderful work of the program. The hope, love, joy and peace of Christmas were shared with many because of you! 


AIDS Orphan Dreams of Being a Doctor

Imagine a child, seven years old, living in a garbage dump and watching both her mother and father die slowly of AIDS-related illnesses. This was reality for Erminia before she joined Forward Edge’s program for at-risk girls in Nicaragua called Village of Hope. If Erminia had continued to grow up

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Acholi People

Women of the Word

Nancy, our Director of Development and long-time short-term missionary, shares her experience with the “Women of the Word” program in Kampala, Uganda. These resilient women, who migrated to a new area after facing unimaginable hardships, have come together to build a supportive community and empower one another. Discover how their journey of faith and perseverance is creating lasting change in their lives and in their community.

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child sponsorship

Why Didn’t I Cry?

By Melanie Kruse Off On a Mission Trip  I’ve never been on a mission trip like this. This was the first time we served with Forward Edge and the first time our two daughters had joined us, but that’s not what made it different. On this trip I didn’t cry.  

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Mary’s Story

In the extremely poor village of Kijabe, Kenya, there lives a crippled widow named Mary. After her husband died of AIDS a few years ago, she struggled to find food. While she suffers from HIV, too, Mary’s greatest challenge is a nerve problem in her legs. She has to use crutches

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Bonjou (hello), my name is Lynsa

  • location


  • 5 yrs. old


Entered the program: May 2024

Lynsa lives with her parents and sister in a new home with a sheet metal roof built by Forward Edge after the August 2021 earthquake. The kitchen and latrine are both outdoors. To provide for the family, Lynsa’s mother sells foodstuffs on the street and her father does masonry when he can find work. They usually have only one meal a day.

Lynsa's big sister, Angeberline, is also in the Kids Club program.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.