Let the Wave Say Who We Are

Almost 20 years ago now, I was circling the 60-foot maple tree that stands just yards from my front door, talking to my Heavenly Father. Forward Edge needed to upgrade the training we provided for our short-term mission teams, and I was asking God for guidance. In a matter of seconds, the following concept poured into my brain like water from an open spigot:

Imagine that God is an ocean, always sending waves toward the shore. Now imagine your mission trip as a wave. How do you β€œcatch the wave” of God’s plan and purpose for your trip? You have to SURF. β€œS” = servanthood. β€œU” = unity. β€œR” = respect. And β€œF” = flexibility.

For almost two decades now, this SURF acronym has been the focal point of our training for short-term mission teams. What I didn’t realize when God gave me this concept, though, was that SURF was not only relevant for our short-term mission teams, but anyone wanting to β€œcatch the wave” of God’s plan for their lives.

Consider, for example, how SURF applies to what we’re all going through right now because of Covid-19:

SERVANTHOOD: What opportunities has the pandemic provided for each of us to reach outside ourselves to serve and bless others? At Forward Edge, we’ve been reaching out to our friends and partners around the country, just to see how they’re doing, and to ask how we can pray for them. This may seem minor, but it’s been a major blessingβ€”to those receiving the calls, as well as those making them. Β 

UNITY: I believe the pandemic opened β€œa window of grace” in the area of relationshipsβ€”a unique opportunity to deepen and, if necessary, repair relationships that had become distant or damaged. I have personally taken great advantage of this opportunityβ€”deepening my relationships with family members, Forward Edge partners, and precious, old friends, some of whom I hadn’t spoken with in years.

RESPECT: If nothing else, the pandemic has made us much more aware of our shared humanity. Never in human history (with the exception of the Flood perhaps) has the entire planet been impactedβ€”simultaneouslyβ€”by the same, life-threatening calamity. It’s an experience that can deepen the love, compassion, and respect we feel for our fellow human beings. Β Β 

FLEXIBILITY: Think of the ways we’ve all had to pivot in the face of circumstances we didn’t see coming, circumstances beyond our control. I’ve especially appreciated the way our Country Directors and Field Staff have β€œcaught the wave” of the pandemic by preparing and distributing food baskets and hygiene kits to the children and families in our programs. They are my heroes. Β Β Β Β 

One of my favorite singer-songwriters, David Wilcox, wrote a song a while back that reminds me of the metaphor God gave me years agoβ€”the metaphor of God as an ocean. It also reminds me how the threatening β€œwaves” God sometimes allows to crash into our lives not only test our faith, but reveal the true condition of our hearts. The song is called β€œLet the Wave Say Who I Am.” Here are the lyrics:

If the surface of the ocean
Is this time that we’re alive
Then this rising wave in motion
Is this moment that we ride

If you don’t move when it’s moving
Then your life leaves you behind
If you can’t see what it’s doing
Trust the wave more than your mind

When the wave is all around me
I got no other plans
I just balance through the changes
And let the wave say who I am

From a thousand miles of water
From the wind beyond belief
Every wave roars out its power
As it rises on the reef

And the high blue wall can break you
You can never fight the sea
You just learn to let it take you
To the place you want to be

Now the wave is all around me
I got no other plans
Keep my balance through the changes
Let the wave say who I am

As we ride together this wave of the pandemic, may we each find ways to serve and bless others…ways to deepen our relationships…ways to grow in respect for our fellow human beings…and, if necessary, ways to pivot from old routines and patterns to embrace the β€œnew thing” God is doingβ€”in our personal lives, and in the world around us.

Yes, dear friends, let the wave say who we are: The Body of Christ!Β  Β 

From our CEO

Life Advice Part 4: Live to Be Forgotten

Tim Ainley, CEO of Forward Edge, recently shared an inspiring message at a graduation commencement ceremony that is a timely and impactful message for us all. But, especially for recent graduates, young adults, and teens, these words could be the guiding principles you need as you step into a world

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From our CEO

Life Advice Part 1: Remember Whose You Are

Tim Ainley, CEO of Forward Edge, recently shared an inspiring message at a graduation commencement ceremony that is a timely and impactful message for us all. But, especially for recent graduates, young adults, and teens, these words could be the guiding principles you need as you step into a world

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living on mission

Presenting Your Mission in 5 Steps

When it comes to sharing with others about your mission, calling, or passion for a particular cause, your main objective should be to connect with your audience. Get them engaged emotionally and intellectually so that they are ready to receive what you have to say. Whether you are one-on-one or

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Ileana’s Letter

Ileana has been in our Nicaragua children’s program for the last eight years. Our team has poured into her heart, spirit, and education, and she has blossomed into a beautiful young woman of God. Her life hasn’t been easy, but as you’ll read in her letter, she has learned to

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Habari (hello), my name is Ian

  • location


  • 7 yrs. old


Entered the program: September 2022

Ian lives with his grandparents in a shack on a 100 square foot piece of land. To provide for their small family, his grandparents rent a plot of land to farm and raise a milk cow. They survive on the food they harvest and have no other source of income. Ian’s mother abandoned him to her parents before the age of two and ran off with another man. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.