A Recipe for Transformation

When I introduce new people to Forward Edge, I’ll often describe what we do this way: we help children around the world overcome poverty, discover their true worth, and pursue God’s extraordinary purpose for their lives. I believe these three descriptors are distinct and important. Let me explain a little deeper what I mean by […]
Berenice’s Letter

A special message from one of our sponsored children in Oaxaca, Mexico: Receive an affectionate greeting all of you. I would like to tell you a little bit about my life in Trigo y Miel Program. My name is Berenice Santiago Lugo. I have 5 siblings. Audre, Uriel, Joselyn, Dulce and Samuel, and my parents, […]
This is What Success Looks Like

A special message from our Program Directors in Mexico, Victor and Lety Velasco: Hola and Feliz Navidad from Forward Edge and our program down here in Oaxaca, Mexico. We want to tell you a story of the impact you’re making. One of the first families to join our program 10 years ago was The Santiago […]
Free To Love

When you think of the word freedom, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Free speech? Pickets and rallies? How about a soldier in uniform, fireworks, or even the American flag? As Westerners, the idea of freedom often leads us to the rights of every individual. Because every single person matters, regardless of […]
A Tax-Savvy Way To Give

As Christ-followers, we give to others to follow Christ’s example and to invest in His eternal Kingdom. We trust Jesus when he said, “It is better to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). While it should never be the reason why we give, a secondary benefit when we do, in America, is the tax savings […]